Feb 6, 2011

about divine vocation.

I considered divine vocation is existed.

Many people will be career change.

Generally , It is said that most reason of career change is human relationship.
second is treatment , third is worth the work.

After some career change , Does people arrive at own divine vocation?

My conclusion , Divine vocation will exist.

The man has a proper can do a good business relationship and direction of a big company , or can do a good business venture company alone.

The man understanding own proper and enter within the top 20% of own company become HAPPY.

I believe pareto law.

It is said law of 20:80.

80% sales consists of 20% customers.
80% sales consists of 20% company member.

If you can enter 20% of the company , the company will be cherished you.

Accumulated successful experience has born Positive spiral.

As a result , Happiness will increase.

I think the man has arrived divine vocation is fortunate , except for unfortunate 80%.